Committee on the Present Danger: China

The Committee on the Present Danger: China is a wholly-independent and non-partisan effort to educate and inform American citizens and policymakers about the existential threats presented from the Peoples Republic of China under the misrule of the Chinese Communist Party. Its purpose is to explain these threats that range from: the PRC’s accelerating military buildup; its active information and political warfare that targets the American people and our business, political and media elites; cyber warfare; and, economic warfare. The Committee takes no ideological point of view, rather it relies on the facts as reasonable people can understand them. Armed with these facts, the Committee believes Americans’ abundant common sense will prompt them to demand of their elected officials that all reasonable measures be taken to defend the United States, its vital economic interests, and the security of its citizens.

The Mission of the Committee

The mission of the Committee on the Present Danger: China is to help defend America through public education and advocacy against the full array of conventional and non-conventional dangers posed by the People’s Republic of China. As with the Soviet Union in the past, Communist China represents an existential and ideological threat to the United States and to the idea of freedom—one that requires a new American consensus regarding the policies and priorities required to defeat this threat. And for this purpose, it is necessary to bring to bear the collective skills, expertise and energies of a diverse group of experts on China, national security practitioners, human rights and religious freedom activists and others who have joined forces under the umbrella of the Committee on Present Danger: China.

  • Release | Undebatable: The CCP Wins if We Don’t Address Its Threat
    on September 13, 2024

    In the course of this election, we need the presidential candidates to be no less clear about a menace that makes the Soviets in their heyday pale by comparison. And we need them to enlist the public’s support for a reprise of Reagan’s strategy of cutting off the cash flow, rebuilding our defenses and otherwise neutralizing the CCP threat and […]

  • Webinar | UNDEBATABLE: The CCP Wins if We Don’t Address Its Threat        
    on September 12, 2024

    Two recent developments are pointed reminders that we are risking disaster by ignoring the greatest threat to freedom in world history. First, the FBI arrested last week a woman who allegedly ran influence operations for the Chinese Communist Party in the course of her eleven-year career at the highest levels of government in New York State – […]

  • Release | A Net Assessment: The U.S. Navy Versus the PLA Navy in World War Xi
    on August 29, 2024

    WASHINGTON, DC—National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan ludicrously danced to the Chinese Communist Party’s tune in Beijing this week, professing to have made progress reducing bilateral tensions and improving military-to-military relations. Even more preposterously, he touted as an accomplishment arranging for a future phone call between the […]

  • Webinar | A Net Assessment: The U.S. Navy vs. the PLA Navy in World War Xi        
    on August 28, 2024

    This week’s CPDC webinar provides a net assessment of the state of the U.S. and Chinese navies, their respective quantities and quality of warships and naval weapons, the readiness and morale of the personnel manning them, and the industrial capabilities necessary to support the fleet, especially in time of war. We also consider what steps the […]

  • Release | Xi’s United Front: A Damage Assessment on the CCP’s Elite Capture
    on August 23, 2024

    The next Committee on the Present Danger: China (CPDC) webinar today from 12:00-1:15 p.m. ET will provide a damage assessment of Xi’s United Front operations and prescriptions about what must be done forthwith to mitigate and, to the extent possible, reverse the threat they pose.

  • Webinar | Xi’s United Front: A Damage Assessment on the CCP’s “Elite Capture”        
    on August 22, 2024

    This week’s CPDC webinar provides a damage assessment of Xi’s United Front operations and prescriptions about what must be done forthwith to mitigate and, to the extent possible, reverse the threat they pose.

  • Release | Xi’s Weaponization of A.I.: The CCP and The Transhumanist Threat to Our Future
    on August 16, 2024

    WASHINGTON, DC—With each passing day, concerns are growing about the prospects that artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly approaching the point where it will surpass and ultimately endanger humans. That is especially true if the Chinese Communist Party can realize its ambition to weaponize such technology against us in its pursuit of global […]

  • Webinar | Xi’s Weaponization of A.I.: The CCP and the Transhumanist Threat to Our Future        
    on August 13, 2024

    With each passing day, concerns are growing about the prospects that artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly approaching the point where it will surpass and ultimately endanger humans. That is especially true if the Chinese Communist Party can realize its ambition to weaponize such technology against us in its pursuit of global hegemony.

  • Frank Gaffney – World War III – World War Xi
    on August 11, 2024

    Frank Gaffney, Executive Chairman | Center for Security Policy, discusses the state of the world and who is behind it. Is it “World War III or World War Xi?” at the American Freedom Alliance WW 3 / Xi Conference in Scottsdale, AZ, August 3, 2024.

  • Release | Webinar: “Xi’s Dream; America’s Counterintelligence Nightmare”
    on August 8, 2024

    WASHINGTON, DC—For virtually any American to have access to classified information, they must have both a validated need-to-know and be screened for a security clearance. Historically, an individual with close personal and/or family ties or an ideological affinity for hostile powers would be deemed a security risk and ineligible for such a […]