With Trevor Loudon, Bill Walton and Reggie Littlejohn

By Tim

TREVOR LOUDON, Creator/Author, The Enemies Within (Documentary and Book) and Enemies Within the Church @TrevorLoudon1

  • A background of Judy Chu
  • Chu’s connection to the Communist Workers’ Party
  • Various instances of elite capture by the Chinese in the U.S. government

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BILL WALTON, Host, The Bill Walton Show

  • A lack of safety when it comes to investments in China
  • Investors around the world reconsidering doing business with China
  • Are firms auditing Chinese companies compromised?

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REGGIE LITTLEJOHN, President, Women’s Rights Without Frontiers@reggielittlejhn

  • New developments within the World Health Organization
  • Issues with proposed “International Health Regulations”

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