With Sam Faddis, Chris Chmielenski and Tommy Waller
SAM FADDIS, Former Clandestine Operations Officer, CIA, Former Congressional Candidate, Editor, ANDMagazine.com, Author, “Beyond Repair: The Decline and Fall of the CIA,” @RealSamFaddis
- Discussion on pro-abortion groups ‘Jane’s Revenge’ and ‘Rise Up for Abortion’
- The latter was created by the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
- Voting policy in Pennsylvania
CHRIS CHMIELENSKI, Vice President and Deputy Director, Numbers USA, @NumbersUSA
- A huge (15k) migrant caravan headed towards the U.S.-Mexico border
- A significant number of unaccompanied, military-aged men in this caravan
TOMMY WALLER, Director of Infrastructure Security, Center for Security Policy, Lieutenant Colonel, US Marine Corps Reserves, Secure the Grid Coalition, Twitter: @Secure_the_Grid
- Discussion on the challenges facing America’s electricity grid
- The U.S. grid is not ready for a solar flare
- “Grid Down, Power UP” documentary discussion