With Michele Bachmann, Tyler O’Neil and Grant Newsham 

By Tim

MICHELE BACHMANN, Dean, Robertson School of Government at Regent University, former US Representative, Minnesota’s 6th Congressional District, former State Senator, Minnesota, Author, “Care of Conviction: My Story,” @MicheleBachman

  • The Biden administration’s desire to change the World Health Organization (WHO) and make it similar to the United States’ CDC
  • The need to keep the U.S. “sovereign” from the WHO
  • What can U.S. citizens do to help preserve U.S. sovereignty?

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TYLER O’NEIL, Managing Editor, The Daily Signal

  • A background of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)
  • The SPLC’s use of the term “hate group”
  • Do these hate group accusations impact companies on social media?

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GRANT NEWSHAM, Senior Fellow, Center for Security Policy, Senior Research Fellow, Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, Contributor, Asia Times, @NewshamGrant:

  • How China is putting together the “systematic capabilities” to attack Taiwan
  • How does China’s military continue to improve?
  • The importance of Japan’s military in helping the United States protect Taiwan

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