With Michael Rectenwald, Pastor Kevin Jessip and Dr. Bradley Thayer

By Tim

MICHAEL RECTENWALD, Co-Founder and Chief Academic Officer, American Scholars, Author, “Thought Criminal,” “Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom” and “Beyond Woke,” former New York University Professor, Liberal Studies, @antipcnyuprof

  • What is “global governance”?
  • Are digital medical IDs coming to the United States?
  • How decentralization can help protect American sovereignty

KEVIN JESSIP, Chairman, Save the Persecuted Christians, Founder and President of Global Strategic Alliance

  • Issues with global healthcare organizations
  • How communism has infiltrated the U.S.

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DR. BRADLEY THAYER, Senior Fellow, Center for Security Policy

  • The “greatest strategic failure” of the United States
  • U.S. “neo-Engagement” with China under the Biden administration

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