With George Rasley, Robert Charles, & Dr. David Bell


George Rasley, Editor of Conservative HQ

George Rasley and I discussed the extraordinary role being played by not just the Democratic Party but also the media in fantastically making over the record policy attitudes, the policy proclivities, and even the intelligence of Kamala Harris, as well as the longstanding ties both she and her running mate, Tim Walz, have had with Chinese Communist Party front groups, influence operations, and the Chinese Communist Party itself.
We also talked about the implications of a monkeypox emergency global health declaration for a reprise of the disasters of COVID-19 brought to us in part by Tedros Ghebreyesus, the director general of the World Health Organization, and his fellow global governance enthusiasts.

Robert Charles, Author of “Eagles and Evergreens”

I spoke with Robert Charles about the national security implications of having individuals like Tim Waltz with extensive ties to the Chinese Communist Party, unvetted by any sensible national security screening process, and almost certainly representing. As a result, a potential risk to our national security. 
We also talked about the threat to election integrity arising from our open borders and the evidence that is accumulating that
If not the federal government, certainly states and local entities around the country are preparing to give illegal aliens the boat.

Dr. Davide Bell, Portfolio Lead in Global Health Technology at Intellectual Ventures

I spoke with Dr. David Bell about the World Health Organization’s new emergency health global public health emergency, whether it is one and whether what the WHO’s Tedros Ghebreyesus prescribes is really about saving lives or about making money for big pharma and other special interests that largely run his organization.
We also spoke about the competence of the WHO in public health in this country and the inadvisability of the whole idea of such global governance instead of the limited accountability of the representative constitutional kind we have been privileged to enjoy to date.
Read More at Securing America with Frank Gaffney Podcast