Who Will Stop the UN’s Imminent Power-Grab


We have until tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time to stave off a stealthy power-grab by the United Nations and others seeking to replace our limited, representative and accountable form of governance with world government. As things stand now, enemies of freedom are likely to get away with it.
Their scheme is to start a diplomatic “process” whereby the UN Secretary-General will get unprecedented powers in case of international emergencies he unilaterally can declare.
Unless a nation objects in next few hours, that so-called “emergency platform” will be rubber-stamped by the “Summit of the Future” three weeks from now.  
Unsurprisingly, champions of “global governance” at the World Economic Forum are warning of an “era of shock events” justifying this arrangement.
The Harris-Biden team favors surrendering our sovereignty. We must pray at least one other government does not – and says so now.
This is Frank Gaffney.      

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