Secure Freedom Radio: With Jeff Nyquist

JEFF NYQUIST, Writer, Newsmax, WorldNetDaily, SierraTimes, Financial Sense and Epoch Times, Author, “Origins of the Fourth World War and The New Tactics of Global War”:
Part I:
- “The Communists are at it, Again” by Jeff Nyquist; how Marxists are working to subvert American society
- Collectivism (aka Marxism/Communism) is divided into two parts: humans are animals and statism
- Communism does not accept that the world is inherently spiritual
Part II:
- Communists strive to subvert society on numerous levels (i.e. language, education, etc)
- California is “ground zero” for Chinese Communist subversion
- China is waging a ” new Opium War” against the US
Part III:
- The “selective prosecution” of the innocent is one of the many tell-tail signs of an impending totalitarian state
- Nyquist explains Wall Street’s subverting of US capital markets at the behest of China
Part IV:
- What are we to make of an “Old Friend” of Beijing in the Treasury Department
- Joe Biden’s potential defense posture will weaken the US dollar’s preeminence as the reserve currency of the world
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