Secure Freedom Radio: With Elaine Donnelly and Dr. Carol Swain

ELAINE DONNELLY, Founder and President, Center for Military Readiness:
Part I:
- Elaine Donnelly’s reaction to recent controversies surrounding the US military: 200 plus national guard members infected with COVID after being sent to protect the US capitol, who were also confined to a parking garage and had their loyalty questioned by the media and some politicians
- During the Obama-Biden era, officials within the armed forces were ordered not to report any issues about the administration’s transgender policy
- Less than 1,000 transgender soldiers required over 30,000 mental health visits, further dampening prospects of efficient deployability
Part II:
- President Biden’s recent Executive Orders about the military are retroactive: Those who were forced to leave the military during the Trump years now have cause for legal action
- The US military runs one of the largest educational systems in the country. What effects will Biden’s reinstatement of critical race theory courses have on unit morale?
- Donnelly: The civilians running these programs have very little idea about how their policies will affect troop readiness
DR. CAROL SWAIN, Host, “Conversations with Dr. Carol Swain” and Be The People Podcast on the America Out Loud Podcast Network, Owner and Founder, Unity Training Solutions, President, Be The People Project, Twitter: @carolmswain
Part I:
- Dr. Carol Swain: I saw systematic racism collapse after the passage of 3 major civil rights acts
- Academia originally accepted and awarded Dr. Swain’s intellect and ideas, however, things gradually changed once she left the Democratic Party
- The Biden administration’s slogan, “Diversity, equity and inclusion,” only divides the world into the “oppressors” and the “oppressed”
- Dr. Swain: Critical race theory violates the equal protection clause within the 14th Amendment
Part II:
- The 1776 Commission was designed to address many of the claims made by the New York Times’ 1619 Project by encouraging Americans to go back to America’s true founding
- Dr. Swain: Wasn’t under the impression the Biden administration would be so hasty to disband the 1776 commission and burry their report
- Response to critics within academia who felt that the 1776 report was factually inaccurate
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