Secure Freedom Radio: With Col. John Mills and Kerry Gershaneck

By securingamerica

COL. (RET.) JOHN MILLS, Former Director, Cybersecurity Policy, Strategy, and International Affairs, Office of the Secretary of Defense

Col. John Milla: It seems that Citizen activism successfully broke the chokehold on Fairfax County, Virginia

Col. Mills: Loudon and Fairfax counties were ground zero for the “rebellion” to “retake” our country – The Democrats did not read the mood of the citizenry in Virginia

KERRY GERSHANECK, Visiting Scholar, Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies, National Chengchi University, Senior Research Associate, Thammasat University Faculty of Law, former US Marine Corp officer, Author, “Political Warfare: Strategies for Combating China’s Plan to ‘Win Without Fighting” and “Media Warfare: Taiwan’s Battle for the Cognitive Domain

Communist China’s media warfare goals: Regain power to the Chinese Communist Party, achieve regional and then global domination

How is the Chinese Communist Party perpetuating the myth that the island of Taiwan has always been a part of China?

Kerry Gershaneck: Xi Jinping’s China Dream is essentially a fascist vision of a superior Chinese race that is the Chinese kingdom

Gershaneck talks about one of the major wins for the People’s Republic of China: “Our intelligence community is divided. It is weakened. And not for good reasons”

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