Secure Freedom Radio: With Bill Walton, Kyle Shideler, Trevor Loudon and Sam Faddis

BILL WALTON, Managing Partner, Rappahannock Ventures, Chairman, Rush River Entertainment, former Leader, Donald Trump Transition Team, Host, The Bill Walton Show, Senior Fellow, Discovery Institute’s Center on Wealth, Poverty and Morality, @billwaltonshow
- Bill Walton explains why large corporations, like Delta Airlines and Coca-Cola, are weighing in on the new voter ID laws in Georgia
- Walton argues that China may be, “cutting off its long-term nose to save face”
- If Chinese-based firms want to be listed on US shock exchanges, they have a responsibility to make their finances more transparent
KYLE SHIDELER, Director and Senior Analyst for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, Center for Security Policy, Author, “Unmasking Antifa: Five Perspectives on a Growing Threat,” @ShidelerK
- Situation Report: Suspect in Capitol Hill vehicle ramming attack kills one police officer, injures another before being shot and killed
- Kyle Shideler finds that in some cases, federal law enforcement is hesitant to close some investigations while tossing others aside if the issue is heavily politicized
- Shideler: Bureaucrats exist to put things into boxes and if the categories do not exist, government officials tend to toss them out
TREVOR LOUDON, Creator/Author, The Enemies Within (Documentary and Book), @TrevorLoudon1
- Trevor Loudon’s thoughts on new Department of Labor Secretary Marty Walsh
- As Loudon argues, both Walsh and Julie Su, have a long history of working closely with numerous pro-Chinese front groups, like the Chinese Progressive Association and Liberation Road
- Loudon: “A whole network of pro-China operatives serving in the Biden cabinet”
SAM FADDIS, former Clandestine Operations Officer, CIA, former Congressional Candidate, Editor,, Author, “Beyond Repair: The Decline and Fall of the CIA,” @RealSamFaddis
- Terms like “counter-intelligence” do not even begin to encapsulate the threats the US is faced with today
- Sam Faddis address the risks Hunter Biden poses to US national security
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