Secure Freedom Minute: With Troy Miller & Brian Kennedy


Troy Miller, President and CEO of NRB

Troy Miller and I discussed what’s at stake this Fourth of July concerning freedom of speech and our other liberties and the efforts made by enemies, foreign and domestic, to constrain them, if not deprive them, deprive us of them permanently. 
We also spoke of what is going on in Israel at the moment, that is, posing a mortal threat to our most important allies, certainly in the Middle East, and the contribution to that imperiling being made by the Biden administration.

Brian Kennedy, Chairman of Committee on the Present Danger

Brian Kennedy and I discussed on this Fourth of July holiday the magnificence of America, the brilliance of its founding principles and constitution, and the need to protect it from all enemies, foreign and domestic, especially the Chinese, who it seems are positioned to help steal our national election this fall.
Read More at Secure Freedom Minute