Secure Freedom Minute: Where’s the Steady Leadership Been on Iran?


The Iranian regime yesterday blanketed Israel with 180 ballistic missile strikes. Afterwards, Vice President Kamala Harris declared, “Iran is a destabilizing, dangerous force in the Middle East….We will never hesitate to take whatever action is necessary to defend U.S. forces and interests against Iran and Iran-backed terrorists.”
Welcome as such statements are, they starkly contrast with her administration’s fixation from its inception with enriching, empowering and emboldening Iran – policy malfeasance that predictably contributed to today’s disastrous regional reality.
As the Veep herself said: “Iran is not only a threat to Israel. Iran is also a threat to American personnel in the region, American interests, and innocent civilians across the region who suffer at the hands of Iran-based and -backed terrorist proxies.”
The U.S. government must now help Israel destroy that threat, or get out of the way.
This is Frank Gaffney.                          _______
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