Secure Freedom Minute: Trump Speaks Candidly about His Near Assassination – Is the FBI?


Former President Donald Trump wrapped up the Republican convention last night by speaking at length and very movingly about his experience with the attempt to assassinate him. He rightly gave God full credit for the truly miraculous last-second adjustment of his head that spared his life. 
Lots of folks are assessing who deserves blame for the attack. Concerns about the objectivity and reliability of the lead investigator – a deeply politicized FBI – were heightened by its announcement right out of the gate that the shooter killed at the scene “acted alone.” 
But Rep. Mike Waltz announced after a preliminary briefing for Congress that the man had three encrypted overseas accounts
We currently have Chinese soldiers, Iranian assassination squads and countless jihadists here. The FBI’s assertion that none of them were involved in this attack is wildly premature – and potentially fatally myopic. 
This is Frank Gaffney._______
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