Secure Freedom Minute: The Insider Threat to Our Constitutional Republic

Members of Congress and the public are understandably puzzled about why the U.S. Capitol remains a razor-wired, heavily defended Green Zone. It seems to be an expensive Maginot Line against a wildly exaggerated external threat to American democracy.
The real peril to our constitutional Republic is now an impending inside job. In both the House and Senate, the slimmest of Democrat majorities are poised to jam through legislation that would: preclude free and fair elections in the future; disarm Americans; open our borders and incentivize millions more aliens to come here illegally; and destroy the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency.
The idea seems to be to use the fortification of Capitol Hill not only to minimize voters’ access to their representatives – especially the 40-plus highly vulnerable Democrats – but to intimidate American patriots into acquiescence to the crushing of their freedoms.
This is Frank Gaffney.
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