Secure Freedom Minute: The Biden Effect – Millions More Illegal Aliens

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.
In a rare press conference yesterday, Joe Biden demonstrated the dangerous convergence of radical ideology and policy incoherence that is likely to characterize an administration he and/or Kamala Harris might lead.
The former Vice President reaffirmed his commitment to undo President Trump’s initiatives that have greatly reduced illegal immigration across the nation’s southern border – including by dismantling “the Wall,” but warned that the timing of this wrecking operation had to take into account the predictable result: namely, “two million people” trying to get into our country.
That prospect should be called “the Biden effect,” one exacerbated by his promise to give amnesty and citizenship to illegal aliens, among other benefits. Rep. Mo Brooks observed on “Securing America” yesterday, that millions of such aliens voted illegally for Biden. The cost to the rest of us of his payback would be incalculable.
This is Frank Gaffney.
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