Secure Freedom Minute: Reject the “Corrupt Politicians Act”

The U.S. Senate will soon consider S.1, a bill that would impose, nationally and permanently, voting arrangements proven to facilitate electoral fraud. Officially known as the “For the People Act,” this fatally flawed legislation has earned a new nickname: “The Corrupt Politicians Act.”
Your Senators should feel duty-bound to oppose this egregious bill by the oath they swore to protect and defend the Constitution. But here’s another, perhaps more compelling, consideration: Recent opinion surveys indicate that the damage S.1 would do to electoral integrity is overwhelmingly opposed by the American people.
For example, this legislation would prohibit every state from employing a widely practiced election integrity precaution, namely, requiring voter identification to cast a ballot. A new Polling Company poll found that seventy-seven percent of respondents – with majorities in every demographic subgroup – quite sensibly reject this idea.
So must their Senators.
This is Frank Gaffney.
Read More at Secure Freedom Minute