Secure Freedom Minute: Protect Medical Freedom Now

Secure Freedom Minute

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

Millions of Americans reelected Donald Trump in response to the lies they were told and the damage inflicted on them by officials during the COVID-19 pandemic.

By joining forces with Bobby Kennedy, Jr. and embracing “Make America Healthy Again,” Mr. Trump gave hope there would not only be accountability for previous malfeasance but
no repetition of it.

Now, however, we are witnessing an effort to manufacture – literally – a new pandemic involving “avian influenza,” reportedly engineered through gain-of-function research in a
USDA lab in Georgia.

We remember our disastrous COVID-19 experiences and will not tolerate a repetition of man-made public health crises used to justify abuses of political power that result in renewed,
unconstitutional infringements on our liberties and needless loss
of life.

The Trump-Kennedy team has a mandate to protect and promote medical freedom and must begin doing so now.

This is Frank Gaffney._______
Read More at Secure Freedom Minute