Secure Freedom Minute: Memo to Kamala – Stop Surrendering Our Sovereignty


This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.
It will probably shock the millions of Americans treated to an intensely patriotically themed Democratic convention last week that the Harris-Biden administration is expected next month to take another major step in surrendering our national sovereignty and personal freedoms to world government.
That would be the practical effect of replicating at the United Nation’s so-called “Summit of the Future” in September what the presidency also-known-as “Obama 3.0” did in June.
At the World Health Assembly in Geneva, the U.S. government stealthily agreed to a new treaty conferring, among other outrages, emergency powers to force us to conform our laws to
the dictates of the World Health Organization’s unelected, malfeasant and Maoist Director General.
Now, the Democrats intend to give similar sovereignty-crushing authority to another Marxist bureaucrat: the UN’s Secretary General.
True patriots must reject these surrenders of our freedoms. Now.
This is Frank Gaffney._______
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