Secure Freedom Minute: Compromised Personnel Is Bad Policy

If, as Ronald Reagan contended, “Personnel is policy,” the Biden-Harris administration’ wrecking-operation is being relentlessly locked into place by the people being appointed and confirmed to top government posts.
For example, virtually every senior official involved with U.S.-China relations has compromising dealings or ties to the Chinese Communist Party. That’s a problem for U.S. policy. It’s also emboldening our mortal enemy, the CCP – as Beijing’s representatives made contemptuously clear in recent meetings with top Biden appointees in Alaska.
The Senate will shortly consider the latest addition to this dubious roster: Colin Kahl, the nominee for the Pentagon’s top policy job. Kahl has longstanding ties to Peking University, which American intelligence regards as a prime locus of CCP recruitment of foreign nationals.
Senators must stop enabling the Biden team’s dangerous policies by rejecting, not confirming, such problematic personnel.
This is Frank Gaffney.
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