Secure Freedom Minute: Christopher Wray Must Go


FBI Director Christopher Wray warned Congress yesterday that, “We are in a dangerous period [as]…multiple terrorist organizations have called for attacks against Americans and the West.” 

Worse yet, when asked if any such groups were operating in the United States, Wray responded, “Well, we’re not tracking that.” 

What the FBI has been tracking are patriotic Americans who were in Washington on January 6th, school board-protesting parents, traditional Catholics and those criticizing the COVID jabs. 

While such misallocation of limited counter-intelligence resources tracks with disastrous Biden administration priorities, any conscientious public servant would resign for his part in leaving the nation acutely vulnerable to murderous strikes by jihadists and, for that matter, Chinese special forces and others now here to do us harm.

The FBI needs an overhaul and new leadership. If Christopher Wray won’t resign, he should be fired.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Read More at Secure Freedom Minute