Secure Freedom Minute: An Urgent Prayer for America

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.
Please join me in a moment of prayer:
Dear Lord, This day is among the most important since you blessed our people with an exceptional nation, under God, governed according to a Constitution that guarantees unalienable rights bestowed upon us by You.
The prospect that the majority in the U.S. Senate may be intent on radically “transforming” our country and its governing institutions adds further urgency to pending decisions about the 2020 presidential election. If both legal and illegal votes are allowed to determine its outcome, we may never again have free and fair elections – effectively dooming representative government and imperiling freedom.
Please give discernment, persuasiveness and courage to those in Congress who will make the case today for restoring electoral integrity and safeguarding our Republic. And help our people respond to the call to support them in doing so.
This is Frank Gaffney.
Read More at Secure Freedom Minute