Save the Persecuted Christians

Save the Persecuted Christians, an educational 501 (c)(3) non-profit charity, is a grassroots movement to save lives and save souls. We educate the public on anti-Christian violence and enlist their help in: supporting those harmed for their faith in Jesus; holding those responsible accountable; and securing significant penalties on state and non-state persecutors of Christians.

The Coalition establishes a broad-based foundation, one that unites American Christians and people of goodwill, including concerned Jews and others. Since its launch, the Coalition has conducted targeted outreach to U.S. Evangelicals, Catholics, Anglicans, Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, non-denominational Christians and Jews. This alliance of human rights, media and faith leaders provides leadership for Save the Persecuted Christians via our Advisory Board that meets weekly to strategize and discuss current events. Working together, we mobilize the grassroots to engage public officials and spread news of persecution. All of our Coalition partners benefit from the increased awareness of anti-Christian persecution and the initiatives of Save the Persecuted Christians.

Save the Persecuted Christians is igniting a grassroots movement — an irresistible force of the people in the pews — to advocate for the world’s Christians, educate Americans about their plight and demand the imposition of real costs on those who persecute them. Grassroots organizations play an important social and political role. They serve as a burr-under- the-saddle of political elites. The combined voice of the grassroots empowers individuals to engage with government and private sector stakeholders. For their part, government leaders are often moved to action when “rank-and-file” ordinary people mobilize themselves into a formidable force.

The Coalition

Latest from Save The Persecuted Christians:

Save the Persecuted Christians Save the Persecuted Christians

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    Canada’s Finance Department has avoided providing a clear answer to a written appeal from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) urging the federal government not to adopt budget recommendations that would strip charitable status from “anti-abortion” and “advancement of religion” nonprofit organizations.

  • Trump urged to help secure release of 24 Christian political prisoners in Azerbaijan
    on March 20, 2025

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