Release | Xi’s Preparation of the Battlespace: Is the CCP Readying for a Shooting War?



For Immediate Release
November 21, 2024

Dede Laugesen,
executive secretary,
Committee on the Present Danger: China,


A CPDC Webinar | “Xi’s Preparation of the Battlespace:
Is the CCP Readying for a Shooting War?”

WASHINGTON, DC—Last week, Joe Biden met with Chinese Communist Emperor Xi Jinping. It is not clear what they discussed. But it is interesting, and may be as the Soviets used to say – “no accident, comrade,” that shortly thereafter, the President finally greenlighted Ukraine’s use of HIMARS missiles to attack targets up to 200 miles inside Russia.

There are many theories as to why Biden would take such a provocative and potentially dangerously escalatory step at this juncture, having refused the necessary approval for many months despite insistent requests by the Ukrainian government.

One possible explanation is that as far as a Communist like Xi is concerned, the Leninist prescription, “the worse, the better,” applies in Ukraine. The CCP’s strategic arsonist-in-chief has been operating with sparking conflagrations there and elsewhere – notably, in the Middle East – pursuant to a very simple principle: The more the United States is distracted, tied down, and tapped out in terms of its financial resources and transfers of military equipment the less we are likely to be able to contend with China when it launches its own shooting war.

Unfortunately, there are myriad reasons to believe that Xi Jinping has been actively preparing for just such a step. And much of it points to an ominous reality: It is not just our friends and allies in the Western Pacific and beyond who are likely to be subjected to the CCP’s aggression. The United States seems likely to be targeted, including here at home.

The next Committee on the Present Danger: China (CPDC) webinar from 3:00-4:15 p.m. ET today will examine some of those preparations or, as intelligence professionals call them, “indicators and warnings.” They include, among other things:

  • The divisions of People’s Liberation Army (PLA) personnel inserted inside the United States over the past year or so – their whereabouts and missions unknown
  • Other Chinese nationals, including some 300,000 students here: Are they tasked to help take us down?
  • The Chinese-owned or -linked ships that break bridges, destroy undersea gas pipelines and cut cables
  • The Chinese nationals probing our military installations
  • The Chinese nationals trying to get into Mar-a-Lago
  • Captured elites in this country helping the CCP to sow discord, chaos, or otherwise facilitate their masters’ strategic objectives up here
  • The CCP-tied Red-Green axis ready on command to engage in a cultural revolution
  • The drones operated with impunity for seventeen consecutive nights in the skies over Norfolk and other incredibly sensitive sites in the neighborhood.
  • Chinese-Russian bomber runs inside our Air Defense Identification Zone
  • Chinese-Russian submarine and other offensive operations in the Arctic
  • Preparations for a no-notice blockade/invasion of Taiwan DFW
  • Violent action against Philippine vessels and personnel
  • Intensifying North Korean belligerence at the Demilitarized Zone and threatening exercise and test flights
  • The PLA’s heightened readiness status
  • Xi’s mobilization of China’s society for People’s War
  • The CCP’s immense stockpiling of food, energy, rare earths, medicine, etc.
  • Overseas Police Service Centers in the U.S.
  • Covert biowarfare laboratories

WHAT: A CPDC Webinar | “Xi’s Preparation of the Battlespace: Is the CCP Readying for a Shooting War?”

WHEN: 3:00 – 4:15 p.m. ET, Thursday, November 21, 2024


  • Moderator: Frank Gaffney, Vice Chairman, Committee on the Present Danger: China


  • Jeff Nyquist, Author of “Origins of the Fourth World War : And the Coming Wars of Mass Destruction”; essayist at
    • Topic: “Xi’s Strategic Arson and People’s War: Ambitions, Domestic Imperatives, and Preparations at Home”
  • Colonel John Mills, U.S. Army (Ret.), Veteran Special Operator; former senior official responsible for Cybersecurity Policy, Office of the Secretary of Defense; former member, the National Security Council staff and detailed to the Department of Homeland Security; host, “The National Security Show”; author, “The Nation Will Follow” and “War Against the Deep State”
    • Topic: “The CCP’s Belligerent Action in the Western Pacific”
  • Colonel Rob Maness , U.S. Air Force (Ret.), former Commanding Officer of a bomber squadron; former Vice Commander of America’s largest Airborne Intelligence Wing; former Commander at Kirtland Air Force Base; Senior Fellow, National Institute for Deterrence Studies; 2024 Trump Surrogate; Host, “The Rob Maness Show”
    • Topic: “The CCP’s Power Projection Worldwide”
  • Trevor Loudon, Author and filmmaker, “The Enemies Within” and “The Enemies Within the Church”; “Feinstein’s Spy: Russell Lowe and San Francisco’s Pro-China Left”; “Security Risk Senators: Part 1”,” “Security Risk Senators: Part 2,” “House UnAmericans: PART I: ALABAMA dist 7 – CALIFORNIA dist 18” and “House UnAmericans: PART 2: CALIFORNIA dist 24 – CONNECTICUT dist 5,” and “House UnAmericans: PART 3: Delaware – Illinois dist 14”; “Kamala Harris’s Communist Roots” with a bonus section, “Tim Walz Exposed;” and contributor, Epoch Times
    • Topic: “CCP threats to Our Homeland”
  • Brian Kennedy, Chairman, Committee on the Present Danger: China; President, American Strategy Group; former President, Claremont Institute; author, “Communist China’s War Inside America”
    • Topic: “Countering China’s People’s War: How We Win”

HOW: Register at


CONTACT:  Dede Laugesen, executive secretary, Committee on the Present Danger: China, windhovermedia@gmail.com_______
Read More at Committee on the Present Danger: China