Release | The CCP’s Financial Warfare: Texas Fights Back Will the Rest of America?
For Immediate Release
December 9, 2024
Dede Laugesen,
executive secretary,
Committee on the Present Danger: China,
A CPDC Webinar
The CCP’s Financial Warfare:
Texas Fights Back
Will the Rest of America?
WASHINGTON, DC—From its inception five and a half years ago, the Committee on the Present Danger: China has sought to expose the great and growing threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party and its unrestricted warfare aimed at destroying the United States. Many of the nearly 200 webinars the CPDC has produced to date have documented this reality indisputably.
Unfortunately, over the intervening years, that threat has metastasized further, with the CCP obtaining the option of adding to its array of asymmetric and unconventional techniques for undermining and defeating us the capability to do so the old-fashioned way: with a shooting war.
The People’s Liberation Army Navy is now the largest in the world. Its air force, strategic rocket forces, nuclear arsenal, space warfare capabilities, cyberwarfare and other power-projection capabilities – including Belt and Road infrastructure available worldwide for the purpose – have been massively enhanced.
As the Committee’s publications, videos and other materials have relentlessly pointed out, to add insult to the potential for grave injury, these developments have actually been made possible substantially thanks to the transfer of, by some estimates, $5-6 trillion dollars from American capital markets to thousands of Chinese companies. Incredibly, among them are corporations building weapon systems with which the PLA plans to kill us and various instruments for repressing the people of China.
Fortunately, thanks substantially to the seminal work of our colleagues – notably, Roger Robinson, Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo, the Coalition for a Prosperous America – as well as the Committee’s own efforts – there is a growing awareness about this outrageous, subversive and potentially suicidal arrangement. In particular, there is mounting resistance at the state level to such underwriting of the enemy from attorneys general, treasurers and legislators.
A significant breakthrough occurred on November 21st, however, when Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued the following executive order: “I direct Texas investing entities that you are prohibited from making any new investments of state funds in China. To the extent you have any current investments in China, you are required to divest at the first available opportunity.”
The next webinar of the Committee on the Present Danger: China (CPDC) will examine the state of the CCP’s financial warfare against the United States, the continuing enabling of it by what the Chinese Communists call their “captured elites” on Wall Street, the significance of the Abbott initiative and other steps that can be taken to deprive our enemy of the hard currency cash-flow it requires to wage war against us. Join us from 1-2:15 p.m. on Tuesday, December 10th. Register to attend at
WHAT: A CPDC Webinar | “The CCP’s Financial Warfare: Texas Fights Back; Will the Rest of America?”
WHEN: 1:00-2:30 p.m. ET, Tuesday, December 10, 2024
- Moderator: Frank Gaffney, President, Institute for the American Future; Vice Chairman, Committee on the Present Danger: China; Host, “Securing America with Frank Gaffney”
- Gordon G. Chang, Esq., Senior Fellow, Gatestone Institute; columnist, Newsweek; author, “Plan Red: China’s Project to Destroy America,” “China is Going to War,” and “The Coming Collapse of China”
• Topic: “The Chinese Hide-and-Bide Strategy: How Wall Street has Bailed Out – and Enabled — the CCP” - Colonel Grant Newsham, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret.), Former Military Attaché in Embassy Tokyo; former Foreign Service Officer; longtime business executive in the Western Pacific; Senior Fellow, Center for Security Policy; Author, “When China Attacks: A Warning to America”
• Topic “The Folly of Underwriting our Most Dangerous Enemy Ever” - Captain James Fanell, U.S. Navy (Ret.), Former Director of Intelligence and Information Operations, U.S. Pacific Fleet; co-author, “Embracing Communist China: America’s Greatest Strategic Failure”
• Topic: “What $5 Trillion has Bought the PLA: The CCP’s Military Capabilities, Substantially Enabled by American Investors” - Justin Bernier, CEO, National Security Index, naval intelligence veteran, former professional staff member, House Armed Services Committee, former candidate for Congress, former J.P. Morgan Private Wealth Manager
• Topic: ” Screening Out the CCP’s ‘Bad Actors’ from U.S. Emerging Market Funds: Giving Investors an Alternative”
HOW: Register to attend at
CONTACT: Dede Laugesen,
executive secretary, Committee on the Present Danger: China,
Read More at Committee on the Present Danger: China