Grant Newsham, Art Ally & George Rasley


Grant Newsham, Senior Research Fellow at Japan Forum for Strategic Studies

I spoke to Grant Newsham about China, the enemy without and, unfortunately, increasingly the enemy within. 
We also  discussed what China is doing to use various lines of attack against us to achieve their objective of the conquest of one way or the other of Taiwan 
We explored China’s plan to take down what they consider to be the main enemy.

Art Ally, President at the Timothy Plan

Art Ally and I discussed how we’re fairing in the Lord’s eyes.
Why we may be facing as much tribulation as we are for our offenses against him, what it is translating into in terms of both public policy problems.
We also discussed what we must do to remedy the situation with his blessing, namely seek it through repentance.

George Rasley, Editor of Conservative HQ

George Rasley and I explored the extent to which there is a prospect that Donald Trump has actually benefited rather handsomely from the prosecution he was subjected to in the form of law-fare, but also with the possibility that he may become a political prisoner literally behind bars.
We also discussed what the implications of all that might be, as well as the need for election validity, not just integrity, and what that will entail, 
George also gave his insights into the travesty that took place at the World Health Assembly last week when I was in Geneva.
Read More at Securing America with Frank Gaffney Podcast