Secure Freedom Radio: With Dr. David Wurmser, Kyle Schideler, Sam Faddis and Richard Kemp

DAVID WURMSER, Director, Center for Security Policy’s Program on Global Anti-Semitism, former Middle East Advisor to Vice President Dick Cheney, retired, US Navy Reserves Lieutenant Commander: David Wurmser: When you negotiate with Iran, they will always say “no.” The Iranian Mullah’s believe they have all of the leverage Robert Malley, a key policy advisor within…

Secure Freedom Radio: With Edward Timperlake, Sam Faddis, Roger Robinson and Susan Katz Keating

EDWARD TIMPERLAKE, former Director of Technology Assessment, International Technology Security, former Representative, National Counterintelligence Executive Committee, US Department of Defense, Captain (ret.), US Marine Corps (1969-1975), Author, “Year of the Rat“ Edward Timperlake argues that the honest media of the past would have done a deep dive into President Joe Biden’s two-hour phone call with…

Secure Freedom Radio: With Michael Walsh

MICHAEL WALSH, With six critically acclaimed best-selling novels, multiple works of non-fiction, a record-setting TV movie, and several motion-picture scripts in the production pipeline, author and screenwriter Michael Walsh has achieved the writer’s trifecta: two New York Times best-sellers, a major literary award winner, and the Disney Channel’s then-highest-rated show: The influence of Camille Paglia on Michael’s…

Secure Freedom Radio: Hans von Spakovsky

HANS VON SPAKOVSKY, Manager, Election Law Reform Initiative and Senior Legal Fellow, Messe Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, The Heritage Foundation, Co-Author, “Who’s Counting?: How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk,” @Twitter: @HvonSpakovsky Part I:  Many of the lawsuits about fraud in the 2020 election were dismissed on mere “procedural grounds” Moving…

Secure Freedom Radio: With KT McFarland

KT MCFARLAND, former Deputy National Security Advisor for President Trump, author, “Revolution: Trump, Washington and ‘We The People,’” Twitter: @realKTMcFarland Part I:  KT McFarland found that the Mueller Investigation tried to use perjury traps to incriminate herself and/or President Trump Dissenters within the Trump White House tried to sabotage the President’s administration from within McFarland:…

Secure Freedom Radio: With Rick Green, Steve Mosher, David Wurmser and Mike Mabee

RICK GREEN, Constitution Coach, Patriot Academy, former Texas State Representative, President, Authentic American History Productions, LLC, Twitter: @RickGreenTX President Donald Trump’s attorneys may try to challenge the Democrats’ “incitement” charge by likening the President’s speech to the rhetoric espoused by many notable Democrats over the past 4 years Will House managers try to implicate Trump…