Secure Freedom Radio: With Dr. David Wurmser, Joseph Bosco, Grant Newsham and Suzanne Scholte

DAVID WURMSER, Director, Center for Security Policy’s Program on Global Anti-Semitism, former Middle East Advisor to Vice President Dick Cheney, retired, US Navy Reserves Lieutenant Commander: Multi-billions of dollars have been released to Iran as the Biden administration tries to “entice” the Mullahs to come back to the negotiating table David Wurmser: “Why would you…

Secure Freedom Radio: With Victoria Coates, Dr. Michael Rectenwald, Sam Faddis and Reggie Littlejohn

VICTORIA COATES, Senior Fellow, Center for Security Policy, President, USAGM’s Middle East Broadcasting Networks, Inc., former Senior Policy Advisor to the Secretary of Energy, US Department of Energy, former Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for Middle Eastern and North African Affairs, National Security Council, Author, “David’s Sling: A History of…

Secure Freedom Radio: With Bill Walton, Kyle Shideler and John Rossomando

BILL WALTON, Managing Partner, Rappahannock Ventures, Chairman, Rush River Entertainment, former Leader, Donald Trump Transition Team, Host, The Bill Walton Show, Senior Fellow, Discovery Institute’s Center on Wealth, Poverty and Morality, @billwaltonshow Bill Walton argues that the Biden administration wants the Quad, whose member states include the US, India, Austria and Japan, to focus on climate change…

Secure Freedom Radio: With Sam Sorbo, Mark Meckler, Kevin Freeman and Todd Bensman

SAM SORBO, Host, The Sam Sorbo Show, Actress/Producer, Hope Bridge, Just Let Go, Let There Be Light, Miracle in East Texas, Author, “They’re YOUR Kids” and “Words For Warriors: Fight Back Against Crazy Socialists And The Toxic Liberal Left” @thesamsorbo Sam Sorbo: Currently, children in the US are being taught in “government schools” to praise…

Secure Freedom Radio: With Kenny Vaughan, Mike Berry, Nick Ballasy and Jeff Nyquist

KENNY VAUGHAN, Founder and Owner, Shields of Strength, Author, “The Right Fight: How to Live a Loving Life“ MICHAEL BERRY, General Counsel, First Liberty Institute, former Attorney, US Marine Corps, former Adjunct Professor of Law, United States Naval Academy, Marine Corps Reserves Part I:  Kenny Vaughan explains his life story and why he decided to…

Secure Freedom Radio: With Dr. Murray Bessette, Dr. David Wurmser and Joseph Bosco

MURRAY BESSETTE, Director of Academic Programs, Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, former Associate Professor, Morehead State University, former President, Kentucky Political Science Association, Lincoln Fellow, Claremont Institute, Academic Fellow, Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Co-Director, Bluegrass State Intelligence Community Center of Academic Excellence, @MSYBessette Part 1:  Murray Bessette: The Communist Manifesto says clearly that in…

Secure Freedom Radio: With Sam Faddis, Bradley Thayer, Steven Kwast and Bill Walton

SAM FADDIS, former Clandestine Operations Officer, CIA, former Congressional Candidate, Editor,, Author, “Beyond Repair: The Decline and Fall of the CIA,” @RealSamFaddis Sam Faddis delves into the impending trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin and its implications for public safety How did George Floyd die – Extreme force or a fentanyl overdoes? …