Secure Freedom Radio: With Dave Ball, Kyle Shideler, Stephen Blank and Peter Huessy

DAVE BALL, former Steel Industry Executive, Chairman, Washington County, Pennsylvania, Republican Party and the Peters Township Council:  Assault On The Ballot Box – Lessons Learned In Pennsylvania Dave Ball contends that the number of votes cast should not exceed the number of registered voters in any election – Why did the exact opposite happen in…

Secure Freedom Radio: With Dr. David Clements

DAVID CLEMENTS, Law Professor, New Mexico State University, former Deputy District Attorney, 12th Judicial District Attorney’s Office, former Senior Trial Attorney, 3rd and 6th Judicial District Attorney’s Office, The Professor’s Record: Part 1:  Dr. David Clements: Not a single election fraud case from the 2020 Presidential election was ever given an evidentiary hearing Dr. Clements…

Secure Freedom Radio: With Stephen Young, Stephen Soukup and Jeff Nyquist

STEPHEN YOUNG, Global Executive Director, Caux Round Table for Moral Capitalism, Author, “Moral Capitalism” and “The Road to Moral Capitalism,” former Assistant Dean, Harvard Law School, former Deputy District Advisor, Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support (CORDS): Part 1:  Will the Afghan government and the Taliban reach an agreement after U.S. troop withdraw? Stephen Young…

Secure Freedom Radio: With Alexis Mrachek, Sam Faddis, Bill Walton and Lawrence Peck

ALEX MRACHEK, Research Associate for Russia and Eurasia, Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy, The Heritage Foundation, former Staff Assistant, Rumsfeld Foundation, @AlexisMrachek The Life of Jailed Russian Dissident Alexei Navalny Is in Peril. US Must Act to Save Him. Alex Mrachek argues that the U.S. could explore sanctioning the authorities in charge…

Secure Freedom Radio: With Reggie Littlejohn, Fred Fleitz, Rep. Tom McClintock and Jenny Beth Martin

REGGIE LITTLEJOHN, Founder and President, Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, @reggielittlejhn The Chinese Communist Party is the “anaconda in the chandelier“ Stop the ‘Genocide Games‘  While China was banning domestic flights in and out of Wuhan, the Chinese government pressured foreign governments not to impose a travel ban on China FRED FLEITZ, President and CEO, Center for…