Secure Freedom Minute: General Barr – See something, say something

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute. Yesterday, Attorney General William Barr made a surprising statement to the Associated Press. He said, “To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.” It seems the operative words are: “To date, we have not…

Secure Freedom Minute: General Barr – See Something, Say Something

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute. Yesterday, Attorney General William Barr made a surprising statement to the Associated Press. He said, “To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.” It seems the operative words are: “To date, we have not…

Secure Freedom Minute: Col. Phil Waldron – Election Fraud-buster

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute. There’s a war on to determine whether our constitutional Republic will survive the 2020 presidential election. The critical battles are being fought not just in courts, newsrooms and government offices across the country, but in state legislatures that have a unique responsibility for the conduct and…

Secure Freedom Minute: Arizona to Join Pennsylvania in Confirming Electoral Fraud

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute. Arizona legislators today will take seriously their oath to the U.S. Constitution and their duty to the people of that state by holding public hearings on election fraud in the 2020 presidential race. Their Pennsylvania counterparts did the same last week. Viewers of the hearings in…

Secure Freedom Minute: Thank You, Sidney Powell

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute. Sidney Powell is one of America’s most distinguished attorneys. She has been the lead counsel in over 500 appellate cases, most of them as a federal prosecutor. She has represented Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and their effort to end the travesty of his prosecution on false…

Secure Freedom Minute: Only LEGAL Votes Must Count, In Michigan and Elsewhere

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute. The trauma afflicting our country following the presidential elections a fortnight ago has been evident in microcosm in the Board of Canvassers of Wayne County, Michigan this week. Numerous voting “irregularities” have been uncovered in Detroit, the county’s largest city. Consequently, two Republican members of the…

Secure Freedom Minute: Krebs Left the 2020 Election Infrastructure Insecure

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute. Christopher Krebs was responsible for the federal Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency in the course of the 2020 election, which he characterized as the most secure in the country’s history. President Trump fired him yesterday, prompting a fresh torrent of claims from his media and other…

Secure Freedom Minute: To Start Unifying the Country, Repudiate the Anti-Trump “Lists”

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute. It’s not exactly surprising that hard leftists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and a number of her fellow travelers have announced that they are creating lists of Trump supporters, in and out of government. After all, that’s what totalitarians do to punish, if not actually destroy, their enemies…

Secure Freedom Minute: Don’t Lie to Us – The 2020 Elections WERE Compromised

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute. Last Thursday, government officials charged with protecting 2020 election infrastructure declared, “There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.” That categorical statement is either a witting falsehood or indicative of gross incompetence. There’s plenty…

Secure Freedom Minute: US Underwriting of China’s Military IS a National Emergency

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute. Yesterday, Donald Trump issued what may prove to be the most important Executive Order of his presidency. He declared a national emergency arising from the investments mostly unwitting Americans are being induced to make in the Chinese Communist Party’s military-industrial complex. The CCP uses hundreds of…

Secure Freedom Minute:

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute. Today’s the day we remember the millions of veterans who gave what Abraham Lincoln described at Gettysburg as “the last full measure of devotion.” This year especially, we need also to remember what they gave it for. Generations of American patriots have sacrificed everything, including their…

Secure Freedom Minute: Needed – An Anti-Insurrectionist SecDef

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute. Yesterday, President Trump fired Secretary of Defense Mark Esper. One of several reasons was likely determinative – and must not be repeated by his interim successor. Last June, as Antifa and the Black Lives Matter organization were rioting in cities across the country, Mr. Trump entertained…

Secure Freedom Minute: The President-Not-Yet

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute. Throughout the 2020 election, the so-called “mainstream media” has been shown – together with their giant social media counterparts – to be Democratic partisans, if not actually propaganda arms of that increasingly radical leftist party. A particularly egregious example came late in the campaign when there…

Secure Freedom Minute: It’s Time to Designate the CCP as a T.C.O.

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute. There’s another party besides the Democratic one that is pleased as punch at the prospect of Donald Trump’s defeat. That would be the Chinese Communist Party. It’s evident in the gloating taking place in the CCP’s various propaganda outlets – which rival those of the mainstream…

Secure Freedom Minute: God Spare us a Fraudulent Outcome

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute. While the U.S. presidential election has yet to be decided, “vote dumps” in contested states involving large numbers of ballots produced long after the polls closed – with every single one cast for Joe Biden – suggest that a winner may be fraudulently declared in the…

Secure Freedom Minute: God Help Us

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute. President Trump has declared that he won yesterday’s hotly contested election. He has also announced that widespread fraud has been employed to deny him victory. While both points remain to be validated, we already know that, to paraphrase Winston Churchill, never have so many done so…

Secure Freedom Minute: Vote as if freedom depends on it, because it does

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute. My old boss, Ronald Reagan, famously declared that every generation faces an existential threat to freedom. He warned that liberty is not passed on through the blood stream. It has to be fought for, protected and turned over to the next generation to do the same.…

Secure Freedom Minute: Address this foreign threat to our elections

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute. The integrity of tomorrow’s elections is being threatened in a number of ways. One that’s particularly ominous has, to date, been little discussed and apparently gone uncorrected.  Incredibly, no fewer than 28 of our states – including 10 swing states – have their vote counts processed…