Stop Communist China’s Genocide

We swore we would “Never Again” allow genocide to occur under our watch. But every single day the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) engages crimes against humanity. Don’t believe us? See for yourself. Then, do something about it… _______Read More at Divest China Now!

Western Elites Must Answer for Enabling China’s Rise

By MAURA MOYNIHAN | National Review | October 23, 2020 2020 will go down in history as the year that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) unleashed a global pandemic and crashed the world economy. In a rational universe, the CCP would pay a price, but we don’t live in a rational universe. Three thousand-five hundred…

The Biden-Harris “Bait-and-Switch”

One of the oldest tricks in the con man’s repertoire is the “bait-and-switch.” Offer the customer – or sucker – one thing, but supply something different, and inferior. There has arguably never before been a more audacious, and more sinister, example of this type of sleight-of-hand than the one currently being perpetrated by the Democratic…

Censorship and the Coming “Color Revolution”

For years, the traditional news media have repeatedly exhibited a bias against Republicans, conservatives and anyone else who defies their left-of-center narrative. In recent months, the social media giants have been increasingly brazenly doing the same. Today, in the endgame of this election year, virtually all these outlets are routinely misinforming, misleading or simply lying…

Hunter Biden’s Abandoned Laptop

The recent revelations from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop are simply stunning to anyone with a background in national security. The emails, photos and videos found on it not only document the owner’s pathetic decline into personal dissolution, drug addiction and moral depravity. They portray a huge liability for his father while he was the serving…


The end goal is revolution and the destruction of America. Socialism leads to Communism for those seeking the new “Socialist Republic of America.” No one is safe in their reality. SHARE IT WITH THE WORLD Read More at Choose Freedom

The Elites, the Chinese Communist Party and Investments, What You Need to Know

Securing America #14.1- Monologue: ANT IPO ~ 10/20/20 10.20.2020 Let’s get to it. America is facing some difficult choices. This program is committed to illuminating many of them, exploring their implications and assisting you in making informed decisions about how you want our country to proceed. There’s one choice, however, that’s being made for tens…

ARE YOU SAFE? A Guide to Protecting Your Family

Do you worry that riots and mob violence could occur in your peaceful neighborhood? Are you concerned about your family’s safety? Especially now, with fewer police available or restricted from emergency response, many families are apprehensive. What will happen if dangerous mobs and looters arrive on your doorstep. This book is a guide for all…

Playing for Keeps: The Plot to Destroy Our Constitutional Republic (Part One)

by KEVIN D. FREEMAN | Global Economic Warfare | OCTOBER 12, 2020   For anyone with “eyes to see” and “ears to hear,” the Deep State plans for after a Biden win are more than obvious. They have been telegraphed for weeks, including the Nancy Pelosi-led effort to create a 25th Amendment Commission. All of this…

Playing for Keeps: The Plot to Destroy Our Constitutional Republic (Part Two)

by KEVIN D. FREEMAN | Global Economic Warfare | OCTOBER 17, 2020   In Part One, we explained (and documented) what the progressive left has planned in the case of a “Clear Trump Win” (their words). It is AWFUL! They talk about pushing for secession by three states. They discuss riots and overturning the Constitution.…

The Transition Integrity Project

Securing America #13 FULL – Derek Waltz, Steve Mosher, Hans Spakovsky and Ken Timmerman – 10.16.20 No Description Transcript: From the beginning of the China virus pandemic, Democrats have seized upon this crisis to maximize their control over the American people and exploit it to influence this year’s election. From the first COVID stimulus (the…

Democrats Are Antifa

By George Rasley | Conservative HQ | October 15, 2020   In two just-released bombshell videos James O’Keefe and his team at Project Veritas have exposed how closely linked the Democratic Party is with the Antifa domestic terrorist group. James O’Keefe, the founder and CEO of Project Veritas said, “We’ve been following Kris Jacks for…

Erdogan’s Malevolence

As part of our continuing coverage of the important choices facing the American electorate this fall, we want to take a look at one of the emerging problems that will surely confront the next Commander-in-Chief, whoever that may be. Amazingly, this problem is arising thanks to the dangerous ambitions and proliferating aggressions of a purported…


***NEWS RELEASE*** For Immediate Release | October 15, 2020 CONTACT: Hamilton Strategies, [email protected], Beth Harrison, 610.584.1096, ext. 105, or Deborah Hamilton, ext. 102 C.P.D.C. OPEN LETTER URGES PRESIDENT TO OPPOSE C.C.P. COMPANIES’   OFFICIAL AND ‘BACKDOOR’ ACCESS TO UNWITTING U.S. INVESTORS’ SAVINGS  Initiative Comes as U.S. Government Moves to Sanction Ant Technology Group WASHINGTON, D.C.— The…


If Americans help this nation’s enemies build the capability to harm, or even kill, their countrymen and women, those enablers are considered to be traitors and are, under the law, supposed to be severely punished.  The question occurs: How should we view U.S. financiers who enable the Chinese Communist Party to raise funds for a…

Exclusive: Coup Plotters Considered Never Allowing Trump To Be Inaugurated

By Charles “Sam” Faddis | AND | October 11, 2020 An exclusive report based on a senior Department of Defense official’s account – the coup plotters considered never transferring power to the President-elect of the United States of America. Recent revelations, including the declassification of key documents, have effectively ended any speculation about what really…

China’s Air Pollution

We can’t talk about meeting the world’s environmental challenges without discussing the world’s largest polluter — China. In 2015, China’s air pollution killed 4,000 people a day. The increasing level of air pollution in Beijing has even created a new disease – the Beijing cough. It’s estimated that every year in China, nearly 750,000 victims…

Former Uighur Detention Camp Teacher Describes Interrogations, Screaming, Imprisonments

By Mary Margaret Olohan | The Daily Signal | October 09, 2020   A woman who claims she formerly taught in Uighur detention camps in China said she witnessed conditions of the facilities and alleged that she heard screaming during interrogations of prisoners in an interview with Radio Free Asia. Fifty-one-year-old Qelbinur Sidik has told…

Former Uighur Detention Camp Teacher Describes Interrogations, Screaming, Imprisonments

By Mary Margaret Olohan | The Daily Signal | October 09, 2020   A woman who claims she formerly taught in Uighur detention camps in China said she witnessed conditions of the facilities and alleged that she heard screaming during interrogations of prisoners in an interview with Radio Free Asia. Fifty-one-year-old Qelbinur Sidik has told…