A “Team B” of national security and subject matter experts laid bare in this pathbreaking 2010 “exercise in competitive analysis” the centrality of the totalitarian Islamic doctrine of Sharia and the jihad it commands to Muslim supremacists’ bid to compel our submission.
In 2015, I published highlights of my over 1,000 columns published by the Washington Times. They addressed the most salient national security challenges of our times – and what we could do to address them decisively.
I co-authored this 2016 study of how our premier national and homeland security agencies had been compromised and neutered by sophisticated influence operators tied to the Muslim Brotherhood and their fellow travelers in the U.S. government.
I contributed to this excellent 2020 compilation edited by Center for Security Policy president Fred Fleitz concerning one of the most important, and least addressed, priorities for our national security – having credible, reliable and safe, and therefore effective, nuclear deterrent forces.
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