Securing America #38

With Rep. David Brat, Amb. Yorum Ettinger, Christine-Douglas William and Dede Laugesen   Former Rep. David Brat delves into the censoring of US politicians in the Congress Amb. Yorum Ettinger talks about the fundamental failures within Biden’s Department of State Amb. Ettinger: The Obama Administration de-railed Israels outreach to its Arab neighbors Christine-Douglas Williams talks…

Securing America #37

With Amb. Pete Hoekstra, Jeff Nyquist and Tommy Waller President Biden’s first speech on Foreign Policy at the State Department Jeff Nyquist, Amb. Hoekstra and Frank Gaffney discuss politics in a post-Trump world Pt.1 “Better Together” in Europe and its shortcomings Jeff Nyquist, Amb. Hoekstra and Frank Gaffney discuss politics in a post-Trump world Pt.…

Securing America #36

With Ben Weingarten, David Wurmser, Aubrey Shines, Sec. Robert Joseph: Ben Weingarten and why China and BGI are buying our DNA David Wurmser talks about the possibility of a new Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action Pt.1 David Wurmser talks about the possibility of a new Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action Pt.2 Aubrey Shine introduces his…

Securing America #35

With James Fanell, Brian Kennedy, Todd Bensman, Robert Charles and Dr. Harold Rhode Why is China trying to buy our DNA? Capt. James Fanell explains China’s military ambitions Brian Kennedy provides updates on voter integrity in the US and Pres. Trump’s impending show trial Todd Bensman and President Joe Biden’s recent executive orders on immigration…

Securing America #34

With Elmer Yuen, Mike Mabee, Rick Green and Sam Faddis Elmer Yuen provides his insights on the Chinese Communist Party’s global ambitions Elmer Yuen explains how and why Donald Trump fought to balance trade with China Mike Mabee walks us through China’s attempts to infiltrate our electric grid Pt. 1 Mike Mabee walks us through…

President Joe Biden’s Rise to Power

In 1978, as a young Senate staffer, I first took an oath of office that said in part, “I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic [and] that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same.” Every official in…

Securing America #33

With Jacki Deason, Rep. Chris Stewart, Mark Krikorian and Jeff Nyquist Jacki Deason explains the current state of play for election integrity in the US Jacki Deason lays out what impact President Biden’s decision to halt the XL Keystone Pipeline will have Rep. Chris Stewart explains why politicizing the military is wrong Mark Krikorian delves…

The Biden-Harris Administration’s “Fundamental Transformation” of America

Welcome to the Biden-Harris’ administration and its “fundamental transformation” of America. If anyone doubted that “elections have consequences,” look no further than Joe Biden’s busy first few days in the White House. The new President immediately reversed a number of his predecessor’s policies. For example, among the blizzard of problematic Executive Orders he signed on…

Securing America #32

With Dr. Michael Rectenwald, Dr. Bradley Thayer, Carol Swain and Todd Bensman: Monologue by Frank Gaffney: Dr. Michael Rectenwald: Dr. Bradley Thayer: Carol Swain Pt. 1: Carol Swain Pt. 2: Todd Bensman:

Securing America #31

Conversation with Ben Weingarten: Conversation with Brian Kennedy: Conversation with Connie Elliott: Conversation with Ethan Gutmann: Conversation with Sam Faddis and Jeff Nyquist Part 1: Conversation with Sam Faddis and Jeff Nyquist Part 2:

Securing America #29

With Rep. Mo Brooks, Peter Navarro, Chris Chappell and Col. John Mills

Securing America #28: “Controlled Opposition”

Brian Kennedy and Sam Faddis discuss widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election (Pt. I) Brian Kennedy and Sam Faddis discuss widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election (Pt. II) Steven Mosher discusses the Chinese Communist Party’s subversive tactics in the US and the “Biden Crime Family” Steven Mosher explains how the CCP virus “intentionally”…

Election Fraud

Securing America #27.1 – Frank Gaffney – 12.10.20 Frank Gaffney’s monologue on election fraud. TRANSCRIPT: There are few positive things to be said about the national trauma surrounding last month’s presidential election. One of them, though, is that it has given the American people an opportunity to take a Biden-Harris administration out for a test-drive.…

Securing America #27

Frank Gaffney  Roger Robinson (Pt. I)  Roger Robinson (Pt. II) Kevin Freeman  Trevor Loudon and Sam Faddis (Pt. I)  Trevor Loudon and Sam Faddis (Pt. II) 

Securing America Election Fraud Special

Kevin Freeman – Evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election (Pt. I) Securing America Election Fraud Special #26.1 – Kevin Freeman – 11/25/20 Kevin Freeman Shows Evidence of Voter Fraud in the 2020 Election (Pt. I) Kevin Freeman – Evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election (Pt. II) Securing America Election Fraud Special…

Securing America #25

Securing America #25.1 – Monologue: The Left’s Plan ~ 11/05/20 Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Securing America #25.1 – Monologue: The Left’s Plan Securing America #25.2 – Chris Farrell: Ballot Counting Errors (Pt.I) ~ 11/05/20 No Description Securing…

The Democratic Fraudsters and Their Enforcers

Securing America #25.1 – Monologue: The Left’s Plan ~ 11/05/20 Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Transcript: As you all know by now, we are in the midst of a constitutional crisis. What was purportedly a presidential election turns…

Securing America #24

Securing America #24.1 – Richard Manning Securing America #24.2 – Cheryl Chumley: Socialism and the Democratic Party ~ 11/04/20 No Description Securing America #24.2 – Cheryl Chumley: Socialism and the Democratic Party Securing America #24.3 – Trevor Loudon ~ 11/04/20 No Description Securing America #24.3 – Trevor Loudon Securing America #24.4 – Hans von Spokovsky:…