With Nina Shea, Dr. David Clements, Sam Faddis, Stephen Young and Todd Bensman

Nina Shea talks about the Biden Administration’s disregard for religious liberties abroad Dr. David Clements talks about the recounting efforts in Arizona Sam Faddis discusses the similarities between Antifa and BLM organizations Stephen Young makes the case for applying a Vietnam War era CORDS strategy to Afghanistan Todd Bensman reports live from the US-Mexico border

With Col. John Mills, Rep. Tom McClintock, Gordon Chang, Reggie Littlejohn and Jessica Anderson

Col. John Mills discusses the American Left’s mission to destroy the suburbs Secure Freedom Radio Exclusive with Rep. Tom McClintock (CA-04), Member, House Judiciary Cmte. Gordon Chang talks about President Biden’s meeting with Japanese PM Yoshihide Suga Reggie Littlejohn talks about the impending “Genocide Games” in Beijing, China Jessica Anderson from Heritage Action talks about…

With David Horowitz, Russ Ramsland, Michele Bachmann, Sam Faddis and Stephen Enada

David Horowitz talks about the America Left’s Marxist roots Russ Ramsland recaps on Fraud in the 2020 election Michele Bachmann talks about the future of the US dollar Sam Faddis talks about President Biden’s Cabinent and those with compromising ties to the Chinese Communist Party Stephen Enada talks about his Campaign to Free Nigerian Slaves

Securing America with Dr. Michael Rectenwald, Amb. Pete Hoekstra, Sen. Ted Cruz, Elaine Donnelly and Stephen Soukup

Dr. Michael Rectenwald talks about the Marxists’ plans for America Amb. Pete Hoekstra talks about the politicization of the US intel community and Huawei Secure Freedom Radio Exclusive Interview with Sen. Ted Cruz Elaine Donnelly talks about President Biden’s wrecking operation against the US military Stephen Soukup talks about why some corporations are opposing Georgia’s…

With Michael Walsh, Lee Smith, Michele Bachmann and Rep. Chris Stewart

Michael Walsh talks about the politization of the US Armed Forces Lee Smith: Who is really running the White House? Hon. Michele Bachmann delves into fraud in the 2020 election Rep. Chris Stewart recaps on Biden’s first press conference as President Rep. Chris Stewart on China’s unrestrictive warfare

With Brian Kennedy, Noah Weinrich, John Solomon and Gordon Chang

Brian Kennedy gives an update on electoral grand larceny in the 2020 election Noah Weinrich, Heritage Action for America, talks about the dangers posed by the “For the Corrupt Politicans Act” John Solomon: Only 47% of Americas believe Joe Biden is mentally fit for office Gordon Chang delves into the recent US-China talks in Alaska…

With Col. John Mills, Reggie Littlejohn, Kenneth Blackwell and Bob Carlstrom

Col. John Mills talks about social engineering within the military Col. John Mills addresses China’s growing cyber capabilities Reggie Littlejohn talks about China’s Two-Child Policy Ken Blackwell’s opposition to the For the People Act Bob Carlstrom talks about his organization, Association for Mature American Citizens

With Bill Walton, Sam Faddis, Dr. Michael Rectenwald and Carol Swain

Bill Walton talks about “Woke Capitalism” and Larry Fink’s BlackRock Sam Faddis delves into the increasing Antifa and BLM movements throughout the US Dr. Michael Rectenwald talks about the Marxists undertones in today’s Antifa movement Carol Swain on the Left using race as a weapon Pt.1 Carol Swain on the Left using race as a…

With Ben Bergquam, Sam Sorbo and Jeff Nyquist

Ben Bergquam gives an update on the impending crisis at the US Southern Border Sam Sorbo talks about the Frankfurt school of thought Sam Sorbo on “Digital Assassinations” and why the second crime scene is always worse than the first Jeff Nyquist talks about China’s military capabilities and strategy Pt.1 Jeff Nyquist talks about China’s…

Frank Gaffney on Financial Issues with Dan Celia

Executive Chairman of the Center for Security Policy and Host of Secure Freedom Radio and Securing America, Frank Gaffney, joins Dan Celia to talk about China’s global threat to human rights and the need to stand up to the communist regime, despite Biden’s rollback.

With Ben Bergquam, Kenny Vaughan, Michael Berry and Robert Spencer

Ben Bergquam’s give an update at the US Southern Border Ben Bergquam: Actual footage of illegal immigrants being escorted across the border in Yuman, Arizona Kenny Vaughan’s fight for religious liberty in the military and his company, Shields of Strength Robert Spencer recaps on Pope Francis’s recent trip to Iraq Robert Spencer talks about Rep.…

With Pete Hoekstra, Abduweli Ayup and Col. John Mills

Pete Hoekstra delves into John Brennan’s recent comments about Domestic Terrorists Pete Hoekstra talks about the Biden-Harris administration’s foreign policy shortcomings Abduweli Ayup, a Uyghur Muslim dissident, talks about China’s atrocities in East Turkestan Totalitarians will push until they are pushed back. We must impose costs on China Col. John Mills discusses China’s current military…

The CCP Used to Engage in Genocide Like Joe Biden Used to be President

On Monday, Joe Biden’s State Department spokesman attempted to explain that his administration agrees that the Chinese Communist Party used to be engaged in genocide against Uyghur Muslims and other ethnic minorities. But it isn’t saying whether the CCP is still doing so. Now, there’s no evidence that anything has changed in western China. Scores…

With Todd Bensman, Dr. Murray Bessette and Dr. David Wurmser

Todd Bensman gives an update on the situation at the Southern Border Todd Bensman delves into Islamist activity along the US Southern Border Dr. Murray Bessette: Marxism advocates for the forced abolition of private property Dr. Murray Bessette delves into the Chinese Communist Party’s dubious ambitions David Wurmser on a possible Iranian-led eco-terrorist attack against…

Gaffney: Show Us the Biden-Xi Transcripts

Frank Gaffney, host of Securing America, wants to know what Biden and Xi really talked about for 2 hours — to the extent Biden was actually doing the talking:

With Sam Faddis, Michael Pack and Bill Walton

Sam Faddis discusses Derek Chauvin’s upcoming trial Sam Faddis provides his insights into Biden’s and Kamala’s complacency with violence Hon. Michael Pack talks about the cancel culture and left-leaning messages within Voice of America Hon. Michael Pack discusses his recent film, “Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words” Bill Walton delves into Sen. Manchin…

The Fire Next Time

Keith Ellison is the Attorney General of Minnesota. He is also a socialist with extensive ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. That background intensifies concerns that General Ellison may have invited a wave of violence in his own state – and possibly across the country – at the hands of other radical leftists. Ellison appears to…

With David Goldman, Steven Soukup and Kenneth Blackwell

David Goldman talks about his new book “You Will Be Assimilated: China’s Plan to Sino-Form the World” Pt.1 Securing America with David Goldman Pt.1 – 03.05.21 David Goldman talks about his new book “You Will Be Assimilated: China’s Plan to Sino-Form the World” Pt.1 David Goldman talks about his new book “You Will Be Assimilated:…