If Americans help this nation’s enemies build the capability to harm, or even kill, their countrymen and women, those enablers are considered to be traitors and are, under the law, supposed to be severely punished.  The question occurs: How should we view U.S. financiers who enable the Chinese Communist Party to raise funds for a…

Secure Freedom Minute: South Korean Canary in the Mine Shaft

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute. South Korean ambassador to the United States Lee Soo-Hyuck has declared, “Just because South Korea chose the U.S. seventy years ago doesn’t mean it has to choose the U.S. for the next seventy years, too.” This is a symptom of the “fundamental transformation” being systematically engineered…

Exclusive: Coup Plotters Considered Never Allowing Trump To Be Inaugurated

By Charles “Sam” Faddis | AND | October 11, 2020 An exclusive report based on a senior Department of Defense official’s account – the coup plotters considered never transferring power to the President-elect of the United States of America. Recent revelations, including the declassification of key documents, have effectively ended any speculation about what really…

Filling Supreme Court vacancies is not court-packing

Oct. 12, 2020, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement responding to U.S. Sen. Chris Coons’ (D-Del.) dubious claim that confirming Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court “constitutes court-packing”: “Once again, Senate Democrats prove the old adage that whatever they accuse the other side of is what…

China’s Air Pollution

We can’t talk about meeting the world’s environmental challenges without discussing the world’s largest polluter — China. In 2015, China’s air pollution killed 4,000 people a day. The increasing level of air pollution in Beijing has even created a new disease – the Beijing cough. It’s estimated that every year in China, nearly 750,000 victims…

Former Uighur Detention Camp Teacher Describes Interrogations, Screaming, Imprisonments

By Mary Margaret Olohan | The Daily Signal | October 09, 2020   A woman who claims she formerly taught in Uighur detention camps in China said she witnessed conditions of the facilities and alleged that she heard screaming during interrogations of prisoners in an interview with Radio Free Asia. Fifty-one-year-old Qelbinur Sidik has told…

The Choice: The Rule of Law

We’re spending this month highlighting important choices that American voters will make in this Fall’s presidential election.  Today, I want to talk about the future of the rule of law in America. It’s foundational to our constitutional Republic that we are guaranteed “equal justice under the law.” So much so that, in fact, those words…

Significantly increased Covid recovery means shutdowns must end

Hiding in basement more dangerous for many Oct. 6, 2020, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement reacting to President Trump’s ongoing Covid recovery at the White House: “President Donald Trump’s return to the White House provides Americans hope that Covid is not a death sentence, with mortality down…

China is Polluting Our Waters

Marxist China is one the world’s largest contributors of plastic pollution in the ocean. Combined with one other country, China accounts for one-third of total ocean pollution. By the year 2050, some estimate there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish.In 2018, China dumped over 200 million cubic meters of trash into its…

Mulan and the Uyghurs

Why is Disney thanking the very companies that are persecuting the Uyghurs? _______Read More at Committe on the Present Danger: China

China’s PLA Companies in America

Why on earth would we want to let our enemy’s military companies do business in America? In July and August, the Pentagon revealed that there are at least 31 “Communist Chinese military companies” operating inside the United States. Every Chinese company can be ordered by China’s Communist Party to steal our technology, conduct espionage and…