Secure Freedom Minute: Is Team Biden Not Going Anywhere?

The Biden administration committed yesterday to reduce U.S. emissions of greenhouse gases by 66 percent over the next decade.
You might be forgiven for thinking that whoever’s running our country at the moment didn’t get the memo that their team lost the election, with voters soundly repudiating its radical policies with respect to climate change and the rest of the left’s wrecking operation against America.
Indeed, as a powerful webinar conducted Tuesday by our Committee on the Present Danger: China made clear, the outgoing administration is seemingly doing everything it can to undermine, or at least countermand, the mandate Donald Trump is supposed to begin fulfilling a month from tomorrow.
The bottom line is that Team Biden is behaving as though it isn’t going anywhere. The question occurs: Is it deliberately fostering chaos-inducing conditions, here and abroad, calculated to postpone the inauguration?
This is Frank Gaffney._______
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