Secure Freedom Minute: Adopt a War-footing Now or Risk Pearl Harbor on Steroids


Perhaps our nation’s darkest hour was the dawn of December 7, 1941 when Japanese aircraft took by surprise most of the U.S. Pacific fleet and fighters neatly arrayed in peacetime formations in Pearl Harbor’s bases. The devastation and loss of life inflicted was horrific.

Evidently, we were miraculously spared a vastly worse military defeat last December. For seventeen nights, an array of unmanned drones of unknown origin overflew the world’s largest military complex in the Virginia Beach area.

Had they been armed and used to attack the region’s myriad ports, airfields and shipyards, the strategic setback we suffered temporarily at Pearl Harbor would have paled by comparison.

The fact that we were unable to full assess – let alone stop – such potentially disastrous penetrations for over two weeks is a dire warning about our internal insecurity and the need to immediately adopt a war-footing.

This is Frank Gaffney.  

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