Secure Freedom Minute: Environmentalists Plan to “Greenwash” Genocide


In about a month’s time, tens of thousands of environmentalists and their corporate sponsors plan to spend eleven days as guests of the government of Azerbaijan.

There are two things really wrong with this picture:

First, the Azeri regime is a major oil exporter with a horrible record of pollution – behavior the environmental movement supposedly abhors.  

And second, a year ago, Azerbaijan – with help from Turkish special forces – finished blockading and starving 120,000 Christian residents of Nagorno-Karabakh by forcing them to flee to Armenia. And those jihadists threaten to attack the Armenians next to finish the genocide that killed 1.5 million of them in World War I.

If the UN, its environmentalist partners and their corporate backers don’t want to be recognized as frauds and complicit in genocide, they better move the so-called “COP29” meeting, or at a minimum boycott it.

This is Frank Gaffney.          

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