Secure Freedom Minute: Oh, Canada – Its Problems Will be Ours


We take for granted that Canada is a reliably benign partner in trade and national security. Under its increasingly Marxist prime minister Justin Trudeau, however, it has become a petri dish for repressive governance at home and threats from foreign powers and illegal aliens that make our open northern border a grave liability, too.
Trudeau openly admires Communist China and has allowed into Canada six million immigrants, many from there.
Border expert Todd Bensman reported recently on terrorist plots emanating from our northern neighbor. A September symposium there warned of growing threats from Russia and China in the Arctic – and the appalling lack of needed U.S. and Canadian defenses. And freedom of speech is under relentless attack by the government and parliament.
In due course – if not quite soon – these will be our problems and can no longer safely be ignored.
This is Frank Gaffney.              _______
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