Release | Maoist Makeover: ‘Magic Weapons’ Xi and Friends Use Against Us



For Immediate Release
September 13, 2024

Dede Laugesen, executive secretary, Committee on the Present Danger: China,
(719) 659-3121, [email protected]

Maoist Makeover:
‘Magic Weapons’ Xi and Friends Use Against Us

At a moment when the threat posed to the United States and what is left of the rest of the Free World by the Chinese Communist Party seems increasingly poised to “go kinetic,” the question of the hour is: Will a national leader call attention to that fact in the course of the present election cycle?

After all, the electorate and the American people need to know about a danger that could profoundly impact our lives, economy, and nation and their prospective representatives’ assessment of that threat and recommendations as to how best to respond.

Tonight’s vice-presidential debate affords an excellent opportunity to showcase this topic. For one thing, it may be the last opportunity in the course of this campaign to do so before a vast audience, at home and abroad. Incredibly, neither of the presidential debates conducted to date featured even a single question about Communist China.

For another, it is a topic on which the two candidates, Minnesota Democratic Governor Tim Walz and Ohio Republican Senator J.D. Vance, strongly disagree. Gov. Walz has a lifetime of extensive personal and professional connections to Communist China and rejects the idea that it’s an adversary. Senator Vance believes the CCP is “the biggest threat to our country” and “the real enemy.”

The need for clarity on this subject and the policy positions of these contenders and their tickets is further heightened by the lengths to which the Chinese Communists and their “friends” go to obscure the truth and otherwise suppress public awareness of and support for appropriate action in response to it. In fact, from its inception, the CCP’s founder, Mao Tse-tung, championed the use of what he described as “3 magic weapons” to help him deceive and defeat his enemies, starting with the Chinese Nationalists under Chiang Kai-shek: propaganda, the People’s Liberation Army and united front operations.

Today’s Committee on the Present Danger: China webinar will examine how the Chinese Communists and those aligned with them – whether ideologically or as a matter of simple expediency – are using variations on Mao’s “magic weapons,” including comprehensive means of propagandizing the public, lawfare and myriad officially-sponsored and nominally independent front groups and their underwriters, to minimize resistance to the CCP’s agenda of destroying the United States and replacing it as the world’s dominant power.

Register for today’s webinar at

WHAT: A CPDC Webinar | “Maoist Makeover: ‘Magic Weapons’ Xi and Friends Use Against Us”

WHEN: 3:30 to 4:45 pm ET, Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Moderator: Frank Gaffney, Vice Chairman, Committee on the Present Danger: China; Founder and former Executive Chairman, Center for Security Policy; Host, Securing America on Real America’s Voice Network


Steven Mosher, Founder and President, Population Research Institute; first Western social scientist allowed to conduct research in Communist China; Member, Committee on the Present Danger: China; author, “The Devil and Communist China: From Mao Down to Xi”
• Topic: Maoist ‘Magic Weapons’ in Today’s America: Helping the CCP Win” 

Xi Van Fleet, Foreign-born American patriot, a survivor of Mao’s Cultural Revolution in China, freedom fighter; Author, “Mao’s America: A Survivor’s Warning”
• Topic: “Cultural Revolution in Mao’s America: A Survivor’s Warning”

Trevor Loudon, Author and filmmaker, “The Enemies Within” and “The Enemies Within the Church”; “Feinstein’s Spy: Russell Lowe and San Francisco’s Pro-China Left”; “Security Risk Senators: Part 1”,” “Security Risk Senators: Part 2,” “House UnAmericans: PART I: ALABAMA dist. 7 – CALIFORNIA dist. 18” and “House UnAmericans: PART 2: CALIFORNIA dist. 24 – CONNECTICUT dist. 5,” and “House UnAmericans: PART 3: Delaware – Illinois dist 14; author, “Kamala Harris’s Communist Roots” with a bonus section, “Tim Walz Exposed;” and contributor, Epoch Times
• Topic: “American Communists Seeking Your Vote – for China”

Brian Kennedy, Chairman, Committee on the Present Danger: China; President, American Strategy Group; former President, Claremont Institute; author, “Communist China’s War Inside America”
• Topic: “Assuring We Have an Informed Electorate on the C.C.P. Threat”

HOW: Register for today’s webinar at


CONTACT:  Dede Laugesen, executive secretary, Committee on the Present Danger: China, (719) 659-3121, [email protected]

Read More at Committee on the Present Danger: China