With, Robert Spencer, Xi Van Fleet & George Rasley


Robert Spencer, Director of Jihad Watch

Robert Spencer and I explored the efforts being made by the Harris -Biden administration to coerce the government of Israel into enabling Hamas to survive and thereby to win the war against Israel and the profound implications that would have any such ceasefire for Israel and inevitably for us as well, as not just Hamas but Hezbollah and Iran all are emboldened to believe that they can in fact achieve their stated goal, which is the destruction of both the little Satan and the great one.
We also discussed the rise of Sharia supremacism in Europe. The evidence that it is increasingly on the march and efforts by governments there to suppress opposition to it bodes very ill for the future of Western civilization in those countries. And what this suggests may be in the offing for us here in the United States as well.

Xi Van Fleet, “Author of “Mao’s America: A Survivor’s Warning”

Xi Van Fleet and I spoke about the phenomenon of the United Front Work Department, its historic role in the Chinese Communist Party’s playbook aimed at destroying domestic enemies of the party, and the use to which it has been put in destroying foreign ones, including us, ever since It is being evidenced, its success is being evidenced according to Xi. The top Democratic candidates for the presidency and vice presidency are people who are, according to her, ideologically aligned with the CCP and, in her estimation, actually communists.

George Rasley, Editor of Conservative HQ

George Rasley, I explored the interesting features of the democratic convention, including the address by the Obamas and the appearances of quite an array of people that I think could only be described as weird, but that’s a somewhat overused term these days.
We also talked about the party line that is being aggressively enforced concerning the candidates and their public persona. In addition, we visited about the prospects for election integrity, notably efforts in Georgia and elsewhere to try to ensure it, the difficulties encountered in getting that done, and their implications for the 2024 election.
Read More at Securing America with Frank Gaffney Podcast