Secure Freedom Minute: Among Biden’s “Mistakes” – Betraying America


President Joe Biden made a surprising admission at the Democratic National Convention last night. No, it wasn’t his declaration that selecting Kamala Harris was “the best decision” he ever made. After all, that fits a party-line that implausibly describes her as “the most qualified person to be president.” 
Biden acknowledged, however, that he had made “a lot of mistakes.” That’s not exactly news. For example, former Obama Secretary of Defense Robert Gates famously observed that Biden’s been wrong on “nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”
But a new impeachment report from three House committees documents that Joe Biden and his family decided to accept at least $27 million dollars from foreign governments, including Chinese intelligence. 
Ignoring the betrayal of our country can only encourage others aligned with the CCP to do it, too. 
This is Frank Gaffney.                      _______
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