Secure Freedom Minute: The New WHO Treaty is a “Pox” on Our “House”


Yesterday, the World Health Organization’s Director General declared monkey pox to be a global public health emergency. Unfortunately, Tedros Ghebreysus – a Maoist picked for the job by the Chinese Communist Party, who helped impose the totalitarian “China Model” response to COVID-19 – was recently, sneakily given new powers to do worse now
They were conferred in what amounts to a new treaty that requires us to give an official the power to align our laws with Tedros’ orders. Among those will be requirements to censor information that doesn’t conform to the WHO’s narratives and prescriptions. 
Think that can’t happen? Think again. One thousand people in Britain have recently been arrested for online posts disapproved by her new leftist government. And that’s before the health emergency was declared.
Insist the Senate consider and reject the ominous new WHO treaty at
This is Frank Gaffney_______
Read More at Secure Freedom Minute