Secure Freedom Minute: The WHO’s “October Surprise”?


Negotiators in Geneva are frantically completing a Pandemic Treaty, the second in as many months, designed to give the World Health Organization ominous new powers – ostensibly to deal with “public health emergencies of international concern.” 
What’s the rush?
First, they need to get these “global governance” accords in place while Joe Biden purports to be President. His administration supports empowering WHO’s Maoist Director General, whose bad COVID-19 prescriptions helped kill a million Americans.
Second, the plan appears to be to subject the world this fall to yet another pandemic involving a strain of Bird Flu genetically modified to be transmissible to, and deadly for, human beings. Not to worry: there are three vaccines ready to be jabbed – and Team Biden has just given Moderna many millions to create an mRNA one. 
Who will stop the WHO and Friends from killing us again?
This is Frank Gaffney._______
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