With Kevin Freeman, Matt Brock and Randy Landreneau
KEVIN FREEMAN, Host, Economic War Room, Senior Fellow, Center for Security Policy, Author, “Game Plan: How to Protect Yourself from the Coming Cyber-Economic Attack” and “Secret Weapon: How Economic Terrorism Brought Down the U.S. Stock Market and Why It Can Happen Again,” Founder, Globaleconomiwarfare.com, @SecretWeaponUSA:
- Freeman’s promotion of “Liberty, Security and Values” with respect to investing
- The need to stop investing money in the Chinese Communist Party
MATT BROCK, Republican Nominee, 4th District of California
- The issue of water security in various parts of California
- Brock delves into the complexities of water laws in California
RANDY LANDRENEAU, President, U.S. Investor
- A history of the U.S. patent system
- How has “Big Tech” hurt the patent industry?